February 20, 2011

Destructive Heresy in the Church

Service Type:

2 Peter - Destructive Heresy in the Church
Ken Verboncoeur

A. Why is this an Important Topic?
This is not something new to the church
2 Peter 2: 1
Jude 1: 3

The presence of false teachers and false prophets is not a surprise
2 Timothy 4: 3,4

The final outcome is set

B. Key Terms

"Truth" John 14: 6
God and truth are inseparable
The existence of absolute truth is inseparable from God and His character
This is the most essential tenet of Biblical Christianity
Defined: "Truth is that which is consistent with the mind, will, character, glory and being of God; truth is self-expression of God."

Barna Group Study results indicate the Church is not teaching the Word of God

1 Timothy 3: 15

A suffocating apathy about the whole concept of truth dominates much of today's society—including an expanding segment of the evangelical movement

~John MacArthur

The Bible identifies authentic Christians as those who:
Know the truth John 8: 31 - 32
Believe the truth 2 Thessalonians 2: 13
Obey the truth 1 Peter 1: 22 - 23
Love the truth 2 Thessalonians 2: 10; Psalm 25: 5

"Biblical Apostasy" 2 Thessalonians 2: 13
"Post-modern" - a tendency to dismiss the possibility of any sure and settled knowledge of the truth

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