July 23, 2006

Devoted to Evangelism – part 6

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July 23, 2006

They Were Devoted to... Evangelism (part 6)

Steve Lane

A. They devoted themselves to...

Acts 2: 42 - 47

Devoted: proskartereo (Greek) προσκαρτερεω
To be earnest towards; to persevere; be constantly diligent, or in a place to attend assiduously all the exercises, or to a person; to adhere closely; to give self continually; to continue in and wait on continually.

We need to pay attention to these things!
The Word (Psalm 119) "Acquaint thyself with God"
The Lord's supper, Communion - Remembering the cross
Praising God
Evangelism - (Matthew 28 and Acts 1: 8) Acts 2: 38 Acts 4: 13
Abiding - Devoted to pursuit of intimacy with God

B. Review/Intro

Obedience and sin -- omission
Paul's attitude - 1 Corinthians 9: 19 - 23

Korean church revival

The Word, small groups, repentance/confession, zeal for evangelism... they prayed

What kind of church fulfills the great commission?

No longer live for ourselves
2 Corinthians 5: 11 - 6: 13
Romans 5: 8

Who will go? Have you heard the call? Reveals God's thinking
Isaiah 6: 8
Ezekiel 22: 30

God's world view - John 3: 16

Three Loves reflect God's view and should dominate our lives

"Lord, let love from Heaven flow down into my heart. I am giving up my life to pray and live as one who have given himself up for the everlasting love to dwell in and fill him."
-Andrew Murray

C. How are they won? (Are they really found? How do we know?)

Every single person on the earth has been in this same situation
Living examples living our the tree loves

Life stories and Instruction - always cost something
Acts 26: 1 - 4, 19 - 29

His goal - or we'll water down the truth

Recognition of their dire circumstances - which will bring some pain

Joy on the other side

God does not change the gospel to fit current thinking

"How can God quicken them by the gospel unless first they are slain by the law?"

He will convict the world of sin and of righteousness (John 16: 8 - 11)

We must encourage all the way to regeneration
We look for a person to be done with self and their own merits and follow Christ

We lose the need for earnest, desperate, mighty intercession

Faith is required

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