July 30, 2006

Devoted to Evangelism – part 7

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July 30, 2006

They Were Devoted to... Evangelism (part 7)

Steve Lane

A. They devoted themselves to...

Acts 2: 42 - 47

Devoted: proskartereo (Greek) προσκαρτερεω
To be earnest towards; to persevere; be constantly diligent, or in a place to attend assiduously all the exercises, or to a person; to adhere closely; to give self continually; to continue in and wait on continually.

We need to pay attention to these things!
The Word (Psalm 119) "Acquaint thyself with God"
The Lord's supper, Communion - Remembering the cross
Praising God
Evangelism - (Matthew 28 and Acts 1: 8) Acts 2: 38 Acts 4: 13
Abiding - Devoted to pursuit of intimacy with God

B. Review/Intro

How are they won Titus 3: 4 - 7

"Only one life, it'll soon be past only what's done for Christ will last" -CT Studd

1 Corinthians 12: 12 different parts that form a unit
I am trying to enlist you in this eternal effort this morning

C. God's world view and God's world plan

God's world view
John 3: 16
2 Corinthians 5: 18 - 20

The call

The fully obey here requires we are willing to go there
He calls, what is our inner-response to His call?

Seeking to invest time, finances and energy into God's kingdom and eternity.

Works that God has prepared in advance for us to do
Ephesians 2: 10

D. Are we limiting what God can do with us?

Matthew 19: 29 - 30

We don't all have the same part, but should have the same heart

What kind of choices must a missionary make?
Short-term service
Tent making or vocation
Health and climate
Lack of language ability
Lack of evangelistic ability
Other aptitudes
Talent of self-fulfillment
Financial security Luke 12: 29 - 33
Duty to self
I am being blessed here
Opposition of family and friends
The need at home
"The indigenous church is responsible"

Can we take on some of Paul's attitude?
2 Corinthians 6: 1, 3 - 10
1 Corinthians 9: 19

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