June 12, 2005

Disciple Making in the Early Church (revisited)

Service Type:

June 12, 2005

The Body of Christ

Disciple Making in the Early Church (continued)
Steve Lane

A. Review/Introduction

What were some of the key ingredients that made the early church a disciple-making church?

Acts 2: 42
Purposes aligned
Do we want to be a disciple-making church, no matter the cost?

B. Unity, a key ingredient in the disciple making of the early church

Acts 4: 32, 46

1 Corinthians 1: 10

Acts 1: 14
A picture of unity, each one submitted to the Lord

C. Be one in spirit and in purpose

Philippians 1: 27
Manner of life weighs as much as the gospel they profess, which gives weight to their words

Philippians 2: 1 - 4

"In view of the fact that there is a certain joint-participation with the Spirit in a common interest and activity... Be like-minded" (Wuest)

D. The personal agony, conflict, diligence and earnestness of like-mindedness

Hebrews 4: 11
Make every effort (Greek: SPOUDAZO)
SPOUDAZO: To use speed, to make effort, be prompt or earnest, give diligence, endeavor, labor, study - speed, dispatch, eagerness, haste, promptness

Hebrews 3: 7 - 8, 12 - 13
ESV says "exhort". (Greek: PARAKATHIZO)
PARAKATHIZO: Come alongside, ask, beg, plead, comfort, encourage, exhort, to call, to invite.

Luke 13: 24
ESV - "strive" (Greek: AGONIZOMAI)
AGONIZOMAI: Contest, conflict, fight in a contest, struggle in competition, engage in dreadful battle or strenuous endurance.

Philippians 2: 5 -- "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus"

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