January 15, 2012

Don’t Leave the City

Service Type:

Building on Firm Foundations - Transition to Acts: Don't Leave the City
Steve Lane

A. Review / Intro: Being Spirit Filled
Training of the Twelve - the last night; the comfort, challenge and instruction
Transition from FF to BOFF
Acts 1: 4 - 5,8 Do not leave the city until you have power from on high!
How could this apply to us?
Galatians 2: 20 No self/the old nature/living in our own strength
Some things that position us to live Spirit controlled lives.
1 Peter 1: 12; Ephesians 5: 15; Romans 8: 5
Acts 1: 4 - 5,8 Looking with fresh eyes

B. Walking in the Spirit

Ask the most important question first:
Do you have the Holy Spirit living in you?

You have now been reconciled to God. You have a relationship and can know Him more.

Walking in the Spirit; Abiding in Christ; Being Spirit filled, Spirit controlled:
Galatians 2: 20 - 21 Christ living in you
Romans 6: 1 - 11 Live by faith. Do in now
John 15: 5 Abide in Christ. Remain in the Vine
Romans 12: 1 - 2 Surrender

C. Spending Time Alone with God
Reconciled, even the primary language of scripture indicated this: a relationship
Genesis 1: 27,3:8
Jeremiah 9: 23
Psalm 42: 1 - 2
Daily time in the Word and prayer
God speaks:
Matthew 4: 4
Psalm 119: 105
Hebrews 4: 12 - 13
Psalm 25: 14
Have a plan. Do what I do...
[Genesis, Joshua, Job, Isaiah, Matthew, Romans]
Or, just pick a book. Even a topic.

And, we speak to God: prayer
Hebrews 10: 19 - 22
John 15: 14 - 16
Mark 1: 35
Psalm 5; 3

Use the scripture you read earlier to start your prayer.
The acronym ACTS

D. Participation in the Body and the Mission of the Body
1 Corinthians 12: 14 - 20 There is only one healthy place for a body part: vitally connected
Hebrews 10: 23 - 25 Encourage or exhort one another daily
Acts 2: 42 - 48, Ephesians 4: 11 - 13,16
Just be faithful and take the next step. You will not truly grow without this.
Also a part of this is to share your faith... we've talked extensively about this.

E. Conclusion

Do you, do we want the power of the Holy Spirit and fruit of the Spirit in our lives?
Do we want to powerfully fulfill our call as the body of Christ?

Read Acts 1: 4 - 5,8 again
John 14: 26 - 27

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