August 1, 2010

Don’t Miss the Point

Service Type:

1 Peter - Don't Miss the Point
Steve Lane

A. Review/Introduction
Barriers to experiencing and overflowing the love of God
Psalm 63: 3 - 9 Longing for soul food. Why does praise satisfy the hunger of David's soul?
Flesh, the old nature doesn't improve (Romans). Now is the time.
These common areas of disobedience/off-ramps hold us back from the eating and being satisfied.
Things that war against the soul, rather than feed the soul.
Responding to God's love: believing and responding.
The context here is responding individually and together.

B. You are a Living Stone in a Spiritual Temple

1 Peter 2: 4 - 5
If we want to grow up in our salvation, we must have taste that the Lord is good and experience being satisfied as with the riches of foods.
"As you come to Him" is not the first time coming of a sinner to be saved, but close.

Ephesians 2: 19 - 22 We are living stones that make up a spiritual temple.
Don't miss this... the point of the whole temple was what was inside.

In responding to His love in worship and resting in Him alone that the spiritual sacrifices are pleasing to God. Psalm 84
We are all priests now ministering before God, with equal access to God and ministering to others offering spiritual sacrifices.
Many examples of spiritual sacrifices in the Word:
Romans 12: 1 Offer your bodies as living sacrifices.
If it doesn't take us to the presence of God—into the hold place, it never becomes a sacrifice.
Hebrews 13: 15 Let us continually offer a sacrifice of praise.
Romans 15: 16 To be a minister of Jesus Christ, with priestly duty of proclaiming the gospel.
Philippians 4: 18 The gifts you sent are a fragrant offering—an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God
Philippians 2: 17 Faith, Hebrews 13: 15 Praise.
2 Timothy 4: 6 Paul's death as a drink offering.
John 7: 37 - 39 The love and patience are not developed out there. There we become springs of living water.

C. Rejection of the Cornerstone

1 Peter 2: 6 - 8 This message of grace, though, was not a suggestion, but a command.

D. Responding to His Love

We respond to His amazing love and declare the praises of Him, who called us out of darkness.

1 Peter 2: 9 - 12
This act of taking communion must be on the way into the holy place—In His presence.

Verse 9: You belong to God, a holy nation, with life centered around the temple.

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