September 26, 2010

Don’t Waste Your Suffering

Service Type:

1 Peter - Don't Waste Your Suffering
Steve Lane

A. Review
1 and 2 Peter: A traveler's and sojourner's handbook
We desperately need to grow to do what God has called us to do
But Peter keeps throwing these hurtles in our way. If we don't get this...
But in your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord
Do you want to be used to the fullest in your sphere of influence and ministry?
What or who rules your heart?
The world has yet to see what God will do in and through and with a man wholly committed to Him.
~Henry Varley

B. Suffering for Doing Good (Innocent, but Suffering)

1 Peter 3: 14 - 18
In a small measure, when we suffer for doing good, we are being like Christ.
It is an opportunity. Don't ruin it.
First, we have to acknowledge the wrong done to us—not make excuses or falsely make light of the sin
There are ways that we can wast the suffering
When I hear someone who has been treated badly, and they are still astonished that it happened...
Philippians 3: 10 - Our suffering, for doing good, has a peculiar way of aligning us with Christ.
Not much reveals your weakness to yourself more clearly than this kind of suffering
Everything I can do is not enough. This is getting a feel for your utter weakness and sin
You will never be powerfully used of God until you desperately know your own weakness
1 Peter 4: 1 - 2 - God-dependence and humility are of utmost importance to God
1 Peter 2: 21 - 24, Philippians 2: 5 - 8 - Humility was the attitude of Christ

C. Coming to the End of Yourself for Salvation and for Growth

If you don't recognize your sin—your complete void of righteousness, the cross is of no value
They may be walking along with the pilgrims and sojourners, but they are not true travelers.
2 Corinthians 5: 20 - 21

D. He Preached to the Spirits in Prison

1 Peter 3: 19 - 20
2 Peter 2: 4 - 7, Jude 6, Genesis 6: 1 - 8
Spirits here are probably referring to the fallen angels of the time of the flood
Colossians 2: 14 - 15 The enemy was defeated. Picture of triumphant procession
Hebrews 9: 27 - No second chances to respond to the Gospel
There is an overriding element here of the judgement to come

E. Be Identified with the Death, Burial and Resurrection. Get on the Ark!

1 Peter 3: 20 - 22
Romans 6 - Being identified with death, burial and resurrection of Jesus saves you
John 3: 16 - 18 - Don't play games with the judgement of God

F. Conclusion
Receive the lessons of suffering, and respond in real humility. This is a key to growth.
Make sure you have come through the gate, by way of the cross—that you are on.

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