June 26, 2011

Evidences of Salvation

Service Type:

Before You Go... Evidences of Salvation
Steve Lane

A. Introduction
Acts 1: 4 - 5 If we are going out, we'd better be relying on the Holy Spirit, who we have been given
God has been, and is going to be, asking of us phenomenal things—things beyond us
Romans 8: 9 - 11 Do you have His Spirit in you?
This is salvation: Faith / Substitution
Some of this today should challenge you to grow (but different from sanctification)
1 Corinthians 13: 5 - 6 Should be a comfort, and even an encouragement.

B. You Are a New Creation
2 Corinthians 5: 17
1 John 3: 6 - 10 1 John deals much with, "This is how you know you are saved"
There should be a change in my life. Those changes are evidences of my new birth
1 John 5: 13 - 14 So that you may know that you have eternal life
J. Edwards (Holy Affections); MacArthur; Don Landis [CBC Jackson Holy, WY]

C. 16 Affections of Evidences of Salvation

Oh yes! I know what you mean! I experience that!

1 John 5: 1 Do you enjoy fellowship with Jesus?
1 Corinthians 1: 9 Called us into fellowship
Romans 8: 15 - 17 Are there moments where you enjoy being is His presence?

Romans 7: 24 Are you sensitive to sin in your life?
Can you be happy and content with sin in your life?
1 John 1: 6 The more you walk worthy of the Lord, the more sensitive you become

Do you struggle with sin?
Is your heart's desire purity? And unsaved man wants to justify his own righteousness, but the true believer desires true righteousness of Christ
Romans 7: 15 The thing I hate! Nothing good dwells in me
1 John — If we sin, we are not in fellowship with the light
There is this tension between the old nature and the new
Galatians 5: 22 - 26 Desiring what God desires. And, fruit.
2 Corinthians 12: 20 - 21 They are not fulfilling the deeds of the Spirit (James 4: 1 - 2)

1 John 3: 2 - 6 Do you obey the scripture? Obedience is evidence—this is how I know
The old nature has no desire to reproduce the glory and holiness of God
Psalm 26: 2 - 3 Is there a heart propensity to holiness? A hunger for righteousness?

1 John 2: 15 Do you love Christ, rather than the world system around you? What has your heart?
1 John 3: 2 - 3 Hope fixated on Him—purify ourselves

Romans 8: 22 - 25 Love Christ and eagerness for Him to return. This is my hope.

Do you see an increase in the pattern of sin in your life? Or, no change?
1 John 3: 5 - 6 Don't be deceived. The old nature is not any better.
1 John 1: 6 When I am walking in the Spirit, I don't sin. But, when the old nature is in charge, I will sin.

D. Conclusion

Ephesians 2: 8 - 10 Evidence of my true conversion. Don't mess this up.

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