February 23, 2014

Facing a Trial

Service Type:

Facing a Trial
Steve Lane

You may get beyond what you think you can bear – a horse and his boy
Faith is required and faith is being built – Romans 8:28-29
The ‘for real’ trial is the one we do not understand
We do not really understand how far we have to go
This is uncomfortable (painful) – and this is said in the polite language of Sunday morning not desperation of the middle of the night
You will appreciate what you had

Fight for faith – 1Tim 1:18-20
God works on and through faith 1Tim 1:4b
Fight for intimacy
Abide in Christ (Last week) – John 15:5

Remember the character of God has not changed –
“For He is gracious and compassionate slow to anger and abounding in love, and He relents from sending calamity.”

Rejoice, for He is giving you all you need and will restore the lost times
Joel 2:23–25 “Be glad O people of Zion.”
Prov 10:25, 28–30 When the storm has swept by the righteous will stand
Psalm 25:3

Do not allow your heart to rebel – God will speak to you
Rebellion will close your ears
Isiah 50:4
Joshua “Throw away foreign gods and yield your hearts to the Lord”
Substitutes will be presented
Does not wisdom call out? Prov 8:1 Continue in wisdom Prov 8:17
“Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”
Read and pray

Deal fully with the flesh as it may be on display, Repent – “rend your hearts and not your garments”
Judges 1:27–29
The flesh may at times seem insurmountable Judges 1:19, Joshua 17:18
But the work has been done Rom 6:1-11, Col 2:11-12

Continue to invest as God allows
Philippians 1:7–8, 20

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