October 7, 2012

Free, Free, Free at Last!

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Free, Free, Free at Last!
Steve Lane

A. Review Chapters six and seven – Dying to Live
The essentials of salvation, walking with Christ, having victory over sin, not living in vain, having a fruitful and joyful life of union with Christ. Tools...

The plain and simple but deep truth: You have been identified... (Romans 6:1-4) Its real.

Surrender 1 Kings 11:4 Off ramp from a heart fully devoted to the Lord

Christ as our substitute, our sins have been completely paid for at the cross, never to be remembered by God. We have been justified, given the Righteousness of Christ! (Romans 4:1-8, 5:1-2, 17) Not only can we live a new life because of His resurrection and His life in us but we are completely accepted by God. (Romans 5:1-2)

We believe and bear the fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-25, 2:20-21)

The role of obedience in maintaining abiding

(Romans 7:14-23) As we move towards the truth we rebel for a few reasons;

We see the reality of the cross and we run from that level of surrender and brokenness

Unbelief; we refuse to believe the magnifecent truths of Romans chapter 6.

A lack of teaching or knowledge – the Church’s fear...

We see the cost, we are afraid and we want to go back to blissful ignorance.
Romans 7:24 Do you want the abundant life? The true Christ life?

B. Free, From Condemnation Romans 8:1
We have been joined to Christ; in Christ, in union with Christ, identified with Christ.

C. Free To Obey Romans 8:2 – 8
We can see this truth, we can believe it, we can live it.
If you are not in sweet fellowship with God, if you are not obeying... Rom 8:2 - 4
He has provided everything... partakers of the Divine nature. 2 Pet 1:3-4 Rom 8:5-8
The power of our union with Christ does not end with the cross, it is only the beginning.
There is the lingering problem... we are not willing to let go of our own desires
John 15:15 ... Instead I have called you friends
This principle of union with Christ that can motivate our service.

D. Free to Live it – See the Home Work

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