January 30, 2011

God’s Word

Service Type:

2 Peter - God's Word: Light in the Darkness
Steve Lane

A. Review; Therefore, I Remind You of These Qualities

Goodness, knowledge, perseverance, godliness, love**
** Brotherly love of phileo and agape

Twelve reasons to remember the virtues (and why we spent so much time on them)

Without a persevering movement in these virtues...

B. First Step in Preparing Them for the Coming Storm of Opposition
Now you're movin'... opposition will come, but you are being prepared.
2 Peter 1: 1 - 11 Peter is going to remind them to have confidence in God's Word
We must remain alert
It's a war, and you have a mission. Wear your armor!
Continual assault on the Word of God through...
2 Peter 1: 16 - 18 The transfiguration (Matthew 17)
Key: "When we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ"
This is happening.
This is real.
Fulfillment of over 300 Old Testament Messianic prophesies.
(See December 20, 2009)
God's Word is to be trusted
Fables/myths/stories, but Peter is speaking factually. There will always be enemies to this truth

C. The Bible really is God's Word

2 Peter 2: 19 - 21
Mainly referring to the Old Testament, but... [2 Peter 3: 15 - 16]

The Bible is the written revelation of God. The writers were no passive, or in a trance, and God used their vocabulary and personalities. The the Bible was not written by men.
1 Thessalonians 2: 13
2 Timothy 3: 15 - 17
2 Peter 1: 20 - 21

(See April 20, 2008 for more details on the history of the Bible)
Malachi 3: 1 - 4; Malachi 4: 1 - 6, and the New Testament begins with the coming of the Messiah
Who else in history had a birth that was expected—long expected?
The prophets of Israel were known and tested—even the system of the scribes to copy.
No ancient writing rivals the New Testament in accuracy to autograph, and sheer number of manuscripts
Historically accurate, scientifically sound and internally consistent

2 Peter 1: 19
Light—on a pilgrimage all our lives in this dark world. God has provided a lamp
Psalm 119: 105
Ephesians 6: 12
2 Corinthians 4: 6
Hebrews 4: 12

One interpretation, many applications
False teachers can even use the promises of God to appeal to your flesh.
Deuteronomy 28: 12 - 14
1 Peter 3: 21
2 Peter 2: 1 - 2

D. Conclusion

2 Peter 1: 9
Obedience to the Word brings understanding—more than just being inspired on a Sunday morning.
Psalm 119: 130

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