December 5, 2010

Grow in Self-Control and Perseverance

Service Type:

2 Peter - Grow in Self-Control and Perseverance
Steve Lane

A. Review

Knowledge [epignosis ]: full knowledge, discernment, recognition, experiential heart knowledge
Growing in grace and peace is directly tied to intimacy with Christ... experiencing Him
Goodness: virtue, excellence, moral excellence, power of a thing, strength and courage, manifestation of divine power and goodness and excellence
Daniel 11: 32
Knowledge [gnosis ]: truth, understanding, diligent study and seeking the truth

B. Introduction

2 Peter 1: 3 - 8 (especially verses 6 and 8)
See if you see the growth in this Chinese man
He has given us everything we need for godliness: self-control and perseverance to get there
Train yourself to be godly (1 Timothy 4: 7)

2 Peter 1: 5
"Make every effort" [spoude ]: Diligence, speed, eagerness, earnestness, haste
Warning: intensity is required. Procrastination, distraction, putting off, inward focus opposite of intensity.
1 Timothy 4: 15 Be diligent in these matters. Give yourself wholly to them.

C. Being Disciplined, Self-Controlled and Steadfast

Self-control follows knowledge. What is learned must be put into practice.

Holding oneself in, self control used of athletes who were to be self restrained and self disciplined. Thus a Christian is to control the flesh, the passions and the bodily desires rather than being controlled by them. Virtue, guided by knowledge, disciplines desire and makes it the servant, not the master of one's life


Self-control is a channeling virtue, a narrowing to make use of the power of the others.
This is the glad surrender of discipline... recognize your weakness, believe God, submit to Him, make every effort and don't give up!

Intensity, even relentlessness, in making every effort until you get the result you are looking for, and then persevere in it. The result is godliness.

Self-control, or being disciplined [egkrates ]: self-controlled, strong in a thing; from vigor, power, strength, and to pursue after wholly.
1 Peter 2: 11 - 12 Self-control and discipline leads to...

1 Corinthians 9: 25 "Goes to training" (discipline, self-control)
Discipline bring a freedom; a freedom to follow God and hear Isaiah 50: 4 - 5
David's mighty men were disciplined and available. They heard.
Recognize areas that need more discipline and come up with a plan
Perseverance - patience, steadfastness, hupomone Cheerful or hopeful endurance, constancy, patient waiting, not giving up.

D. Conclusion

The New Years message (2 Thessalonians 1: 11 - 12): I resolve to...
We must wrestle with specific areas, and apply self-control, discipline, intensity and perseverance to grow in them.

Right now, acknowledge truth, believe, acknowledge weakness, repent, believe, apply Spirit-empowered self-control. Write it down, tell someone and get them to ask you about it.

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