June 6, 2010

He Will Go with Us

Complacency, Pride and Evangelism
He will Go with Us
Steve Lane

A. Review
Obedience... why not? What was it that Jesus found worth dying for?
His love that compels us on our new mission... 2 Corinthians 5:14 - 21
The Many faces of pride... clogged Gospel Irrigation to the world
Repentance – Those willing to repent quickly are the one who make progress
Complacency – Distracted from the mission...
Dealing with the clogs...
What does He want? He wants it all
William Carey – “expect great things from God attempt great things for God”
It would be difficult to talk about evangelism this morning and not talk about yesterday...

B. He is with you/us in this endeavour of making disciples and evangelism...
Matthew 28:20 Embedded in the great commission - My presence will go with you
Acts 1:8 John 14:12 2 Corinthians 5:20
Look at the promises and look at the results!
2 Corinthians 2:14 – 16 Abiding in Christ, Knowing God and bearing the fruit of the Spirit are...

C. Beyond the facts of the gospel
We must be equipped to share the truths of the gospel. How do we do that here?
Romans 15:13 Bold speaking backed up by a life of abiding and service.
Think of the direction and focus of you and your family... is it following Jesus?
Doing what Jesus did and following Jesus absolutely means sharing your life with others.
1 Thessalonians 1:8 Delighted to share our lives as well as the gospel.
Unclog the pipes and let the refreshment of the good news flow through you!
Jesus requires faithfulness and union with Him, not success...

D. Prayer and our commission
Built on a foundation of Prayer Acts 1:14
Boldness will be a result of prayer Acts 4:31 Do you believe? Colossians 4:2 - 5
Prayer is directly connected to the giving of the great commission John 14:12–14, 15:16
Matthew 9: 37 - 38
The hope of the world lay in that small group gathered in the upper room.
Matt 28:18 – 20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:47 – 53
John 15:5,16,26 - He is leaving instructions

What if we all re-stated to Jesus our intent and desire to follow Him?
Repent – He will change your heart and He will give you His desires.

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