June 17, 2007

Hebrews – Part 5 : Men Respond to Your Call

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June 17, 2007

Hebrews - Part 5 : Men Respond to Your Call

Steve Lane

A. Review/Introduction

Finding security and a haven of rest in things that seem good but bring death

Superiority of Jesus
Three groups...

The road to Canaan, A stern warning: Don't drift. Stay on course

Responding to God

B. The Purpose of Families

Ephesians 5: 23 - 25
"The main meaning of marriage is to display the covenant-keeping love between Christ and His church. In other words, marriage was designed by God most deeply, most importantly, to be a parable or a drama of the way Christ loves his church and the way the church loves and follows Christ."
-John Piper

The ultimate meaning of marriage is not found in marriage itself
Fill the earth with true worshipers of Christ
Build good marriages and become faithful fathers. But, the challenge is not to stop there.

Keep on moving. Stay on course.

Fulfilling Your Purpose

We develop a love for the bride of Christ
You must make that a tack, but it's not the harbor.
We also develop a concern for the welfare of God's children.

Pleasing Jesus

It's one leading to and spilling over into the other.

Tacking points: faith, encourage one another daily, the Word, prayer.

The Most Basic Elements of Your Calling

Hebrews 3: 12 - 13 True friendship, partners in the gospel
Acts 2: 42

Hebrews 4: 12 - 13
The Word - not just to hear it, but be judged by it and obey.

Hebrews 4: 7
"Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts."

Take it to the depths with faith and obedience

Hebrews 4: 14 - 16
When did you last enter the Holy of Holies?

E. Conclusion

Deepen your vision
But it's not without a fight...

Hebrews 4: 11
Luke 13: 24

Let it be your primary struggle every day.
Hebrews 10: 38

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