July 15, 2007

Hebrews – Part 9 : Have Faith… or Shrink Back

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July 15, 2007

Hebrews - Part 9 : Have Faith... or Shrink Back

Steve Lane

A. Review/Introduction

Superiority of Jesus
A stern warning: Don't drift. Stay on course.

Responding to God is a must for staying on course

Hebrews 7: 18 - 19
Drawing near to God

God desires to communicate with you
Earthly temple only a shadow

Hebrews 10: 19 - 25
Drawing near and staying near

Severe warnings - cheap grace trying to save you some trauma and pain

Hebrews 10: 32 - 34
They exhibited an external perspective during trials and difficult times

Hebrews 10: 36 - 12: 3

B. To Not Have Faith is to Shrink Back

Hebrews 10: 35 - 39
Trusting Him for the future
A key to not shrinking back, to persevering, to pleasing God, to following through

What displeases God? Shrinking back
What pleases God? Faith

A change of our whole way of thinking

"What am I not willing to let go because I cannot possibly see how God could make me complete without it?"

What are you counting on for strength and encouragement?

Hebrews 12: 1 - 3
We are commanded to not lose heart
There are many that have gone on before you
He was faithful through the end

2 Timothy 4: 4 - 5
2 Timothy 4: 6 - 8
2 Timothy 4: 16 - 18

Was Paul a failure? Was John the Baptist a failure?

Keep your eyes on Jesus, and don't shrink back

Hebrews 11: 13

The Great Cloud of Witnesses

Hebrews 11: 1 - 16
Hebrews 11: 32 - 40

A Change of Perspective (A Struggle)

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