July 3, 2005

History of the Church (continued)

Service Type:

July 3, 2005

The Body of Christ

History of the Church (continued)
Steve Lane

A. Introduction

Early church meetings
How does the church go astray?
Dangers to the church
Nehemiah - rebuilding the wall
Colossians 4: 2 - 6
Alert and armor on, always looking for an open door for the gospel

The battle is never over -- we don't arrive

2 Timothy 3: 12

B. Review

From the very beginning... Christianity is no easy road
Acts 7: 54 - 8: 4

Great fire of Roam, 64 AD
Nero (54 - 68)
Revelation 2: 10
64 AD to 313 AD
Paul beheaded, Peter crucified
Jerusalem destroyed along with the Temple in 70 AD

Domitia [81 - 96]

Justine Martyr, Polycarp, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Orengen

Tertulian - "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church" [196 AD]

Constantine in 313 AD - Edict of Milan

C. The Imperial Church 313 -

Elders -> Bishops
325 - Council of Nicaea
340 - Jerome - Latin Vulgate
374 John Chrysostom, Augustine

Apostolic succession concept
Matthew 16: 18
445 - Pope Leo 1

Doctines that developed:
Sacraments (7)
Indulgences - other authority had been brought alongside the bible.

D. "We are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses."

Frenchman Peter Waldo (1150 - 1220)
Waldensians - "The Word of God speaks and we ought to obey it"

John Wycliffe (1320 - 1384)

William Tyndale

1 Corinthians 13: 3

Hebrews 12: 1 - 3

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