July 24, 2005

History of the Church – Part 4

Service Type:

July 24, 2005

The Body of Christ

History of the Church - part 4
Steve Lane

A. Introduction - Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses

1 Thessalonians 1: 6 -- You became imitators of us.

Romans 8: 5b
Philippians 3: 7 - 14
A life perspective

Hebrews 3: 12 - 15
Desperate dependence of God

Hebrews 12: 1 - 3
Many of these people we will study died fighting for the purity of the Bride of Christ

B. Continued Time line

622 AD Mohammad's flight from Mecca to Medina. Beginning of Islam

632 Most Arab nations made Islam by Muslim armies and begin to have victories over Byzantine forces.

732 Charles "The Hammer" Martel defeats Mohammadams, who are threatening to take Western Europe, at the Straights of Gibraltar. Islam has spread from India to North Africa

726 - 787 The Iconoclastic controversy

875 - 950 The Dark Ages. Serfs, lords, Knights, feudal system

1000 Middle ages
Medieval Monasticism
Universities / Scholasticism
Bishoprics bought and sold. Monasteries more prominent, but many monks would end up warriors and enforcers of the Crusades and inquisitions. Cities, trades and monetary economy. City life.

1054 Eastern and Western church splits
Pope becomes single-most powerful institution in Western Europe for 250 years, teaching that the Roman Church held the keys to heaven.

Interdict: no baptisms, masses or confessions.

1096 First Crusade, to save Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire, and heal breach between Eastern and Western church. Temporarily gained Holy Land

1140 Birth of Peter Waldo, converted 1174

1184 Waldensians declared heretical

1187 Muslims retake Jerusalem

1189 Attempt to take Jerusalem back

1204 Pope Innocent 4th Crusade. Finish by looting Constantinople. So much for the lofty ideals of the first Crusade. Also begins a blood crusade agains Waldensians (who believed the Bible to be authority)

Inquisitions to oppose heretical groups. Friars enforced - opposed many bible-believing groups like the Waldensians and the Anabaptists. Rumblings of a return to biblical Christianity

1206 Genghis Khan founds his dynasty. The Mongols are brutal warriors

1215 Fourth Latern Council required communion for salvation and condemns Waldensians, who are persecuted for the next 600 years. They fled to the Alps so not directly involved in the Reformation of Luther later

1216 - 1294 Kublai Khan comes to power in Mongolia

1229 Sixth Crusade - Temporarily gained Jerusalem. Treaty with Sultans
1232 First Missionary to the Muslims - Raymond Hill
1248 Seventh and final Crusade. Final result of crusades drove a wedge between church and Jews, Muslims and Western and Eastern Church
1300 - 1400 Clack Death, 1/3 of population wiped out from India to Iceland and 1/2 of Britain
1316 Raymond Hull stoned
1330 - 1384 John Wycliffe - Oxford, popular for awhile - disputed transubstantiation and bishops power, etc.

Authority of scripture, true Church of Christ. Translated much of the Bible into English
1350 - 1650 Renaissance
1372 - 1415 John Huss Bohemian priest (Czech) Dynamic preacher, authority of scripture. Condemned sale of indulgences and fought Ecclesiastical corruption. Called to concil of Constance. Promised safety, but infuriated the council... burned at the stake. Hussites persecuted but many survived to support the reformation
1452 - 1498 Savonarola of Florence preached righteous living, make mortal enemies, including Pope Alexander. Tortured and executed
1453 Muslim Turks take Constantinople
1456 Gutenberg produces first printed Bible
1492 - 1520 Much exploration. Collumbus, Magellan
1500 - 1599 Reformation
1483 - 1546 Martin Luther. Considered the catalyst of the reformation. 95 thesis in 1517, nailing it to the door of the church at Whitenburg. Indulgences, Wittenberg College. Romans 1: 17 Justice of God
1492 - 1536 William Tyndale first printed, English Bible (1525). Strangled and burned at the stake
1493 National states develop in Europe, Spain and Portugal divide the new world and start Catholic missions
1509 - 1564 John Calvin
1512 Michelangelo conpletes Sistine Chapel frescos
1517 Martin Luther find Christ. 95 Thesis 10-31-1517

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