August 2, 2009

Husbands and Wives

Service Type:

Ephesians - Husbands and Wives
Steve Lane

A. Review/Introduction

Three legged races
The profound fusion of two lives into one, shared life together, by the mutual consent and covenant of marriage. It is the complete and permanent giving over of oneself into a new circle of shared existence with one's partner.


In marriage we do have a primary goal and we are to move together toward that goal. But, something happened to make relationships and working together very difficult: sin

Together being lights in a dark world.

The problem has been there since the fall.
James 4: 1 - 3
James 3: 13 - 18

Go back to foundational principles... and then get a clearer view of where...

B. What Happened?

What happened concerning the relationship of a husband and wife as a result of sin?
Genesis 3: 16 - 17
Genesis 4: 7

Both of these are the result of sin. Not the original plan.
(Wrong kind of desire, and wrong kind of ruling over)

A far cry from humble male leadership and female help.

C. Male-Female Equality and Male Headship (Genesis 2:18,20)

Equality: The man and the woman are equal in that they bear God's image equally.

And, from the beginning, we have male headship:
In the partnership of two spiritually equal human beings, man and woman, the man bears the primary responsibility to lead the partnership in a God-glorifying direction.

~Ray Ortlund, Jr.

If we follow our natural tendency we will not get it right.
Specifics of how to do our part in this God-designed partnership...

D. Role Reversal

Adam was following, instead of leading and Even was usurping.

E. Love and Respect

Paul goes on to describe what marriage is to portray...

Ephesians 5: 33
The powerful bit of counsel set within the grand picture of marriage.

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