August 16, 2009

Husbands and Wives – 3

Service Type:

Ephesians - Husbands and Wives 3
Steve Lane

A. Review
Three-legged race... and we are to move together toward that goal.
The "profound fusion of two lives into one shared life together..." (Otlund)
What happened concerning the relationship of a husband and wife as a result of sin?
Genesis 3: 16 - 17 Genesis 4: 7 Wrong kind of desire and wrong kind of ruling over.
A far cry from humble male leadership and female help. (Genesis 2: 18,20)
The man and the woman are equal in that they bear God's image equally.
In the partnership of two spiritually equal human, man and woman, the man bears the primary responsibility to lead the partnership in a God-glorifying direction.
Submission and headship: Revival is required
Men, if you are not providing real and loving leadership, your wife is open to attacks.
There are repercussions if you don't do your job.
If leadership is not costing you significant personal sacrifice...
Voluntary submission from the heart, or it doesn't work.

Rx for marriage: Ephesians 5: 33 Love and respect.

B. The Husband is the Head of the Wife, as Christ is the Head of the Church

Ephesians 5: 22 - 24
Equality, headship and helper, submission and leadership.

C. Ephesians 5: 25 - 26 Why did Jesus Give Himself Up for Her (the Church)?

All of these are significant and related, but a specific reason is...
To make her holy (sanctification)
Now the holiness of your wife may not be one of the primary goals of your marriage, but...
I don't know how to do that.
Husbands are to apply all of these things in a specific direction... her holiness.
Leadership, love, sacrifice, the Word and prayer (John 17)
Let your husbands to this!

Our goal for her is not always the easiest, safest, most comfortable path of least resistance.

2 Corinthians 11: 2 - 3
It is near to the heart of Christ to build up the body of Christ.

Example of how our thinking can get off, even on good things...
It is not unloving to ask for sacrifice for the cause of Christ.
Is it really for the cause of Christ, or to meet some need of mine?
Jesus was not at all afraid of asking His followers to sacrifice or be uncomfortable.

Matthew 19: 29
We must be careful what we ask her to sacrifice for.

Are you leading your family to fulfill the cause of Christ in this way?

Ephesians 5: 28
Ephesians 5: 29 Nourishes and cherishes.
Ephesians 5: 30 - 31 Unity in the marriage is of primary importance to God.
Ephesians 5: 32 The mystery of Christ.
Ephesians 5: 33 Love and respect.

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