September 5, 2010

Husbands Lead

Service Type:

1 Peter - Husbands... Lead
Steve Lane

A. Review
Responding to God's love... believing and responding
1 and 2 Peter: a traveler's and sojourner's handbook
Follow the example of the humility of Christ displayed in submission to authority
Employee, government, wives and family
A key to the journey is family relationships, particularly husband and wife
Slaves/servants/employees submit yourselves to your master with all respect
(1 Peter 2: 18 - 20)
Proper submission to human authority is a real test of the heart.
Wives, submit to your husbands (1 Peter 3: 1)
[Ephesians 5: 22, Colossians 3: 18, Titus 2: 4 - 5]
If you miss the foundational concept of helper and headship from Genesis, you will miss the point

B. Introduction: Husbands... Lead
Being the leader in your family, men, requires the same character to lead the church.
Boy, to man, to disciple maker... a critical element of spiritual manhood is having an outward focus.
Examples of the family following the man:
When the husband/father is an all-out Christian—one who loves God. His family will follow.
The leadership of your family does not stop with being a leader in your own family.

C. Review of Ephesians and the Principles of Marriage
Marriage did not change. It was the same, but selfishness now reigned
A new nature: it is a life-focus change (radical) (Galatians 2: 20, Romans 12)
Practical: you set the pace, daily surrender and abiding—up early in Word and prayer
Communion today: an opportunity between you and God. How are you going to live?
Foundational concept of helper and headship. (Ephesians 5: 22 - 33)
In the partnership of two spiritually equal human beings, man and woman, the man bears the primary responsibility to lead the partnership in a God-glorifying direction.
~Raymond Ortlund, Jr.
There are repercussions if you don't do your job.

D. Why did Jesus Give Himself up for Her (the Church)?
(As an example to husbands)

Ephesians 5: 25 - 26 To make her holy (sanctify)
So our goal for her is not always the easiest, safest, most comfortable path of least resistance
It is not unloving to ask for sacrifice for the cause of Christ (Matthew 19: 29)
Are you leading your family to fulfill the cause of Christ in this way?

E. Be Considerate

1 Peter 3: 7
Considerate, understanding, with honor, with respect
We are to treat our wives as precious, and they are to have a special place of honor and respect in our hearts. We are to treat them with courtesy, respect and kindness.

1 Peter 3: 8 - 9
Be strong and courageous—by God's grace, we can do this... we must do it!

The Mark of a Man of God
Steve Camp
A godly man is such a rarity today
So many start, strong and true, and quickly fall away
A godly man will take his stand - he can't be bought or sold
Hand to the plow, he won't look back-though other hearts turn cold
He keeps the faith and keeps his conscience clear
He lives this life of grace through all his years

The mark of a man of God Is what he’s faithful to
And what he’s fleeing from And what he’s fighting for
The heart of a man of God is what he daily pursues
His family, friends, the Word, the church
And worship of the Lord

The godly man daily takes up the Cross of Christ
And faithfully follows Him as a living sacrifice

He’s not ashamed of the gospel, his sufficiency's in Christ
The power of integrity is the passion of his life
Instead of reckless faith, he has proven that his faith works
The ultimate priority, the Master's plan for the church
Saved without a doubt because his first love is the Lord
And the gospel according to Jesus is the truth he would die for

He lives his life to teach the Word, in season and in not
For he fears more than any man, the approval of his God
He lovingly, yet firmly leads those placed within his care
The power of his ministry is that he is a man of prayer

The godly man takes a young Timothy like me
And teaches me to run the race
To carry on this life of grace
He sets the mark and we keep the pace
With this man of God

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