November 18, 2007

Jesus Teaches His Disciples to Pray -3

Service Type:

November 18, 2007

Jesus Teaches His Followers to Pray - pt. 3

Steve Lane

A. Review/Intro

Continue knocking -- delay is no reason to stop asking.
Philippians 4: 6 - 7 It is impossible to really talk to God and not have peace.
John 17: 1 "The time has come"
John 17: 1 - 5 Jesus prays for Himself and the glory of the Father.
His entire life was focused on revealing God and God's message to mankind.
Misery and fear is a result of living for self-glory.
To pray like Jesus requires a fundamental change in...
We get a "God's eye" view of the believer.
This is real preparation for the days ahead.

B. Jesus Prays for His Disciples

John 17: 6
They will be able to experience God -- to know Him.
A desire to bring glory to God, and not to self.

Who gets the glory if you did nothing to save yourself?
Ephesians 2
Romans 9
Ephesians 1: 3 - 13
He is not shocked at your failure - HE PAID FOR THOSE SINS.

John 17: 7 - 12
Remember, this prayer is the capstone to... the Deity of Christ and our salvation.
Ephesians 2: 6 - 7
Galatians 4
Romans 8: 16 - 17
All He has is available to us for His purposes.

We will see these very men, and many others, believing these things to be true.

Acts 7
Stephen was given the power to preach a powerful message, and to live a holy life.

So, in God's eyes, you are already seated in Heaven.
It will all be clear one day, but for now it is seen by faith.

Jesus is [presently] praying that we would believe this and live it -- and these men did.
So, how did God receive glory when everyone saw Stephen die?
John 17: 13
How you live reveals what you believe.
Romans 6: 4
A new life -- the full measure of the joy of Christ.


A glimpse of God's view of you and your position with Him.

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