October 16, 2011

Jesus Teaches Them in Humility

Service Type:

Training of the Twelve - Jesus Trains Then in Humility
Steve Lane

A. Review/Introduction
Listen to Him!
Removing the veil. We sense the call is for us, but still we fail to draw near
Coming off the mountain, Jesus and the disciples gather in Capernaum on last time
A central point of His training of them is pointedly brought to their attention

B. The Humility of Jesus
There are many instances of Jesus teaching his disciples on humility
His life, though, would end up being the absolute most impacting element of this teaching
Philippians 2: 5 - 9 is a review of the humility of the life of Jesus
When we mediate on the humility of Christ, we can see the void of humility in our own life
Hardly another trait of Jesus is so outstanding that His disciples should have emulated

Are you clothed in humility? How often are you keenly aware that you have nothing, and you bow in deepest humility to wait upon God for it?

Humility seen in the disciples at times, but humility was not yet the tone of their life

Matthew 11: 29, 20: 27 - 28
As Jesus was humble, He calls His followers to humility
What is the chief grace of the kingdom of God?
Matthew 18: 3 - 4 (or John 13: 14)
Yet, even at the last supper, they disputed who would be the greatest (Luke 22: 26 - 27)

What does the famous Galatians 2: 20 actually look like?
....It looks like Humility....

Pride is a tricky thing. One reason is that it often masquerades as humility! It is much deeper than surface shows of humility, or a pleasant personality trait!

C. Training in Humility
Matthew 18: 1 - 14; Mark 9: 33 - 37, 42 - 50; Luke 9: 46 - 48
'Turn and become like a child' (Matthew 18: 1 - 4)
Does not work in much of the teaching of Jesus—it just goes straight to the heart if the heart is ready to receive it
There may be nothing so difficult to train in than to "expel pride, ambition, vainglory, jealousy..."
He uses a nearby child to illustrate a truth He very much wants to impart
To be great in the Kingdom, you must become like this little child
A king's child will play with a beggar's child
Whatever our background, it's tough for this truth to weave its way through the maze of our pride
A child also represents child-like faith, and a real dependence on a parent for everything
A child also actually believes his parents can meet his needs, and this is the first place he turns
He just thought of others, and not of Himself. "He thought of the Father's glory and man's good."
The child-like ones of the kingdom through themselves unreservedly into the call
It is only by taking on the nature of Christ through surrender to Him

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