January 18, 2015

Jesus, The Logos of Your Life…

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Jesus, The Logos of Your Life…
Pat Gatlin

John 1:1-3

What is the purpose of this book? John 20:31

John 1:1-18
Revelation 19:13 Jesus Christ is the Word of God
Revelation 19:11-16

He has always existed

The word, “Word” here is translated “Logos”

*NT:3056 logos (log'-os); from NT:3004;

1:1 In the beginning was the [LOGOS] Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Not just a philosophy or an idea – but a personality.
God was the Word and Jesus is God

In the beginning was the Logos – the perfection – and the thinker
The One who began it all...

Genesis 1:1 also gives us the same mystery

In the Beginning God – “Elohim” [the Hebrew word for God] Is a plural word….

El – is singular
Eloah – is dual
Elohim - is three or more

In the beginning, “Elohim” plural – created [singular]

So even in Genesis 1:1 – there is this mystery - And that mystery is the trinity. The three are one – creating...

Ps 118:24 The Lord created EVERYTHING!!
Isa 40:12
Ps 8:3-4

How many atoms are in a single drop of water?
5 sextillion – 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (21 Zeros)

Col 1:16-17 Jesus is not only the creator of all things – but he is the reason for their existence and it goes on to say all things are held together by Him!

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