March 1, 2015

John 3

Service Type:

John 3
Sam Kalapala

For he knew what was in man.

Condition of people

a. Self-righteous

b. Lost their way

c. No understanding

d. None seeketh after God

Rom 3:10-12 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

Nicodemus: Victory of the people

1. Pharisees

In the time of our Lord they were the popular party John 7:48

2. He was a ruler of the Jews, a member of the great Sanhedrin, a senator, a privy-counselor, a man of authority in Jerusalem.

3. He came to Jesus by night.

Personal converse with skillful faithful ministers about the affairs of our souls would be of great use to us, Mal 2:7

(1.) His assertion concerning Christ: Thou art a teacher come from God;

(2.) His assurance of it: We know

Be Born Again

(1) The necessity of the new birth grows out of the incapacity of the natural man to "see" or "enter into" the kingdom of God. However gifted, moral, or refined, the natural man is absolutely blind to spiritual truth, and impotent to enter the kingdom; for he can neither obey, understand, nor please God.
John 3:3 John 3:5 John 3:6 Psalm 51:5 Jer 17:9 Mark 7:21-23 1Cor 2:14 Rom 8:7 Rom 8:8 Eph 2:3

Mat 6:33 Seek the kingdom of God

(2) The new birth is not a reformation of the old nature

But a creative act of the Holy Spirit John 3:5 John 1:12 John 1:13 2Cor 5:17 Eph 2:10 Eph 4:24

(3) The condition of the new birth is faith in Christ crucified John 3:14 John 3:15 John 1:12 John 1:13 Gal 3:24

(4) Through the new birth the believer becomes a partaker of the divine nature and of the life of Christ Himself Gal 2:20 Eph 2:10 Eph 4:24 Col 1:27 1Peter 1:23-25 2Pet 1:4 1John 5:10-12

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