October 26, 2014

Let’s Make This Fast

Service Type:

The Six-Step Program - STEP THREE - Let’s Make this “Fast”
Pat Gatlin

Is. 58:6-8


Jesus modeled this practice for us
He fasted - Denying his flesh
That there is power in seeking God over the flesh!

Isa 58:6-9

What is fasting?
Fasting - A voluntary withdrawing from food and/or drink, or other fleshly appetite, for a specified period of time.

We see three basic types of fasting mentioned in the Bible:
Normal fast
Ex 34:27-28
Matt 4:1-3
Matt 6:16-18

Fasting is not a commandment in the Word – It’s something the Christian chooses to do!
Its length is really determined between you and the Lord!

Judges 20:26

Partial fast
Daniel 1

The Absolute Fast
Exodus 34:27-28

Why do we do it? What is the purpose of fasting?
Purpose of Fasting - It’s truly a way to seek God by denying the physical in order to focus on the spiritual.

2 Chron 20:3
Ezra 8:23
Nehemiah 1:4
1 Cor 7:5-6

When we fast it isn't just from food. Let go of the physical, focus on the spiritual!

Isa 58:1-9 - Isn't this the attitude and condition of your heart that you should have?

The benefits of fasting:
A. More time to pray
B. Fasting makes our heart more attentive to God.
C. Fasting demonstrates to God our seriousness about wanting a spiritual breakthrough
D. It’s actually very healthy for your body and detoxifying
E. Fasting is a form of not allowing your flesh to control you! Denying the flesh to focus on God, others, spiritual development, etc.

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