May 1, 2011

Life Pattern of Gospel Sharing Hospitality

Sharing the Gospel, and Your Life as Well
Life Pattern of Gospel Sharing Hospitality
Steve Lane

A. Review
God is on a mission
Whose mission are you on?
We must get this right

Principles of Gospel Sharing (1 Thessalonians 1: 3 - 8)
Romans 6 "To live a new life"
Christ-likeness in purpose and cause
Galatians 2: 20
Ephesians 1: 16 - 20 Jesus, the disciple maker, living His life through us.
Matthew 22: 37 - 40 Love God
Love you neighbor

B. Introduction

This is a unique time...
Holy Spirit empowered; Jesus following; prayer infused; laying down your disciple making.
Vital to your individual ongoing growth, and being conformed to the image...
Complacency (Amos 6: 1)

1 Peter and the growth attributes of 2 Peter
If there is not response to God's call on our life in the arena of sharing the gospel and our lives as well, our progress will slow
The promise of overflowing Jesus, and not self (John 7: 37 - 38)

C. Life Patterns of Followers of Christ [gospel sharers and disciple makers]

Taking small initiatives

Praying and responding as God leads
If the Holy Spirit is not working in a person's life, you will get nowhere

Next pattern of gospel-sharing resurrection life: Serving others in resurrection power
As a core part of our mission, we are called to serve others out of a motive of love
Luke 10: 27 At least twice, He summed up the Bible with these statements
Let others serve you?

Philoxenia (φιλοζενος) Love of strangers
Fellowship, partnering, reaching out, and one transforming into another...
Luke 15: 1 - 7 He welcomed sinners and ate with them
1 Timothy 3: 2; Titus 1: 8 We are commanded to show hospitality
It is an attitude and disposition toward others and action
John 3: 16 A characteristic of the Triune God
The action of love is the reality of surrender of home, time, resources and your life
Ephesians 4: 12 This is the essence of ministry, and we are all called to a life of ministry

Using the things you love, and joining them in the things they love

Next life pattern: conversation and the gospel

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