November 28, 2010

Live It!

Service Type:

2 Peter - Live It!
Steve Lane

A. Review—Gotta Know to Grow
Urgency for Peter (2 Peter 1: 13 - 14), much danger from the inside: lack of growth and false teachers
Knowledge [epignosis] full knowledge, discernment, recognition, experiential heart knowledge
Growing in grace and peace is directly tied to intimacy with Christ—experiencing Him
The Foundation for Growth
Olympic trials 100m — will anyone here be competing?

B. The List of Expected Virtues and Fruit [Growth]

"For this very reason" referring back to verses 3 and 4
2 Peter 1: 5 "Make every effort to add" (add meant to make lavish provision)

'Goodness' [excellence, goodness, virtue] Consider the results of growing in these attributes
Verses 5 - 7: results if these qualities are yours and increasing verses 8 and 10 - 11

"And for this very cause, having added on your part every intense effort, provide lavishly in your faith, virtue, and in your virtue knowledge..." Wuest

There is tension in the wording... the effort here is extreme, intense and all out, but it is by faith
(Colossians 1: 29), Paul says, "to this end I labor, struggling with all His energy"
Philippians 2: 12 - 13

Goodness: virtue, excellence, moral excellence. Power of a thing, strength and courage, manifestation of divine power and goodness and... excellence

Daniel 11: 32 Those who know their God will stand firm and take action, display strength and take action—be strong and do exploits

That goodness of Christ is you needs to mature. Are you applying lavish effort?
"If it is the excellence of a knife to cut and a horse to run, what is the excellence of man?"

How can this be seen in us without personal and continuous encounter with Him by faith?

Knowledge - gnosis — knowledge, truth, understanding, diligent study and seeking the truth.
Built-in warning with gnosis [James 1: 22, 1 John 2: 3 - 4, Psalm 119: 74]
There is a great danger in learning without faith, virtue and humility
It is understanding and correct insight. In this context, truth comprehended and applied

C. Conclusion/Vision

Faith, virtue, knowledge will result in radical evangelism. To reveal the character of Christ
Our homes, our careers and vocations and hobbies and families, and all we own truly being for the eternal purposes of Christ and disciple making...

Are people drawn to the virtues of Christ in you?

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