November 21, 2010

Live to Your Potential—Train Hard

Service Type:

2 Peter - Live to Your Potential—Train Hard
Steve Lane

A. Review/Intro to 2 Peter - Gotta Know to Grow
Peter was probably martyred within two years of writing 1 Peter
2 Peter 3: 1 Still a strong theme of growth (see also 3: 18)
2 Peter 1: 13 - 14 Urgency, much danger from the inside: lack of growth and false teachers
Knowledge [epignosis] a full knowledge, discernment and recognition. (Ephesians 1: 17)
Growing in grace and peace is directly tied to intimacy with Christ... experiencing Him
What if I had always pursued with abandon God's purpose and His desire, rather than my own?

2 Peter 1

B. The Foundation for Growth

2 Peter 1: 5: "For this very reason" Refers back to verses 3 and 4 "everything we need... Participate..."

Olympic trials 100m Will anyone here be competing?
If you have salvation... Remember Peter's view of salvation: a tsunami of salvation.
Then God has put the potential in you for godliness... to participate in the divine nature.

For this very reason train hard, make every effort, make no excuses.
Disclaimer: This is not about building up your self-esteem.
Are you ready for this? If you are sensitive, you might want to plug your ears... (you are a sinner)

Even after you have been given everything, you still will need to be reminded to your weakness
"Endure hardship with us like a good soldier"
We epignosis Him who has given us everything we need, and we must continue
God has put a measure of faith in you, but this faith requires testing, refining and strengthening

Yet, we want spiritual growth pain-free...
Bearing abundant fruit is not a given—faith must be strengthened
Faith is foundational to growth—to fruit bearing (Verses 10 and 11)

C. The List of Expected Virtues and Fruit (Growth)

"Make every effort to add..." in verse 5, "add" meant to make lavish provision.
"Make every effort" is intense, focused and sacrificial.

The first attribute or virtue is an attribute of Christ Himself (1: 3, 1: 8)
John 7: 37 - 39
Goodness: virtue, excellence, moral excellence. Power of a thing, strength and courage, manifestation of divine power, goodness and excellence. Virtue
Be careful, we can fool ourselves and you are not immune.
Influenced by the overflow of goodness. The goodness of Jesus will draw them.
Galatians 2: 20

D. Conclusion: Let's Being to Put these into Practice

I believe the Lord in His mercy let me taste this
So, whose benefit is this fruit, overflowing and growth for? Is fruit for the tree?
Believe verses 3 and 4, and do verse 5!

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