October 3, 2010

Living Victoriously

Service Type:

1 Peter - Living Victoriously
Steve Lane

A. Review
Receive the lessons of suffering, and respond in real humility
Make sure you have come through the gate, by way of the cross—that you are on the ark

B. How Can We be Done with Sin?

1 Peter 4: 1
So, you read this verse, and it sounds like...

1 Peter 2: 21 - 25 Therefore, now we all have the possibility of a victorious life. But, we must have the attitude of Jesus on the cross to reap the benefits.

Want to be free of that sin that is dragging you down, but you still want to live for yourself?
It's already been put to death—you have victory, but will you live out what is true?
Romans 6: 7 "Anyone who has died has been freed from sin."

C. Victorious Living from Romans Chapter Six

Truth — Faith — Feeling
2 Peter 1: 3 - 4 You have everything you need.
The power of the sin nature has been broken. By faith you can live it out.

D. Living for the Will of God, not Human Desires

1 Peter 4: 2
Core to victorious living is that we live this life for the will of God, rather than our own desires. The very attack on these believers reveals they have been living with the attitude of Jesus

1 Peter 4: 3
You've lived for yourself enough in the past. Don't waste your life pursuing your comfort, or trying to satisfy your flesh with the things and situations of this world. Live for the purposes.

1 Peter 4: 4 - 5
People will notice you don't pursue or do the things you used to pursue and do.

1 Peter 4: 6
Possibly referring to those who had heard the gospel, and have already been martyred

E. The Time is Short. Don't Waste Your Life

1 Peter 4: 7
The time is short—your time is short. Don't be taken our of the battle by the pursuits of the flesh, self-satisfaction and personal pursuits.

God-dependence and desiring God's purposes pushes us headlong into prayer we feel we must pray, and prayer is foundational to victorious living!

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