April 10, 2005

Members of One Another

Service Type:

April 10, 2005

The Body of Christ

Members of One Another
Steve Lane

The goal is for you to develop a love for the body.

Review / Introduction

What is the church?

Passion and commitment

The value of the body

Illustrations - Temple, body, bride, family

Complete the relationship

Delight yourself in the Lord
Psalm 37: 4
Romans 8: 5
John 15: 15
2 Corinthians 11: 2

The horizontal and the vertical work together

Our life flows out of His life in us - Our passion and heart a reflection of His heart.

C. Members of one another

Who are you? What is your purpose?
Romans 12: 5

Your identity in Christ and Christ your reason for being

Romans 12: 5 - 6
D. What is your purpose? Is you joy complete?
Acts 1: 8

2 Corinthians 5: 13 - 20

Your life is much bigger than...

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