August 27, 2006

New Believers Need…

August 27, 2006

What New Believers Need to Know - Part 1
New Life

Steve Lane

A. Introduction/Review

B. A New Life

We have been made new - given a new life
Titus 3: 3 - 7

C. Eternal Life

1 John 5: 10 - 13
1 John 1: 2 - 3
John 14: 19 - 21

You have a new life

D. The power of the New Life, the Eternal Life, to grow

John 10: 10, 28
We have the sure potential to become more and more like Him
2 Corinthians 12: 9, 13: 4
Philippians 4: 13
Here is the life in us... Galatians 2: 20 and Colossians 3: 3 - 4

E. Ignorance of the nature of the new life

Perceiving on a human level
Matthew 16: 23
The new life does not work like the former life

F. We must be brought to the point of humility and teachableness

Psalm 25: 5, 8, 9
"I can't do it"
What is impossible with man is possible with God

The mighty New Life in you is not seen or felt and the doubts come
Romans 1: 17... the righteous will live by faith

"Let everyone then who has received this new life cultivate this great conviction: It is eternal life that works in me; it works with divine power; I can and shall become what God will have me be; Christ Himself is my life; I receive Him everyday as the life of God in me, and He shall be my life in full power."
-Andrew Murray

G. Humility and Faith - O wretched man that I am

Romans 7: 24 An odd evidence of salvation here
By faith you have received eternal life, the very life of God
Christ lives in you by the Holy Spirit, a new life
Be patient, growth takes time
You can't live by your old rules
Submit your will fully to Him and let Him teach you

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