November 22, 2009

Parables on Prayer

Service Type:

The Parables of Jesus - Parables on Prayer
Steve Lane

A. Introduction/Review
The Rest of the New Testament is needed to fully understand the parables (Luke 24: 27,44)
MENO : To abide, live, continue, remain, endure, tarry, stand
Andrew Murray: "The living union with Him, the experience of His daily and hourly presence..."
The Vine and the branches - the living union with Christ (John 15: 1 - 8)
Matthew 11: 28 - 30 Trying to convince Him to take on our yoke. What?!
Sin stops abiding, and whatever stops it is sin.
Obedience is key to remaining in the Vine (John 15: 9 - 10)
Another topic we have his hard in the past...
"Are you up and seeking? Or is it a little more slumber; a little more sleep. How long will you like there, you sluggard?" (Proverbs 6: 9)
Are you asleep? (Mark 14)

B. The Intimacy of Prayer

The praying parables speak directly to the believers personal relationship with God.
Paul even used the Aramaic word Abba in Galatians 4: 6 and Romans 8: 15.

C. I Hear You Knocking

Luke 11: 5 - 8: A friend wakes up his friend in the middle of the night to ask for some bread. Because the man dared to ask his friend, he got what he asked.

D. How Much More, then?

Luke 11: 9 - 10
Think 'how much more' a loving, generous...

Luke 11: 11 - 13
Pairing of items with some resemblance - in the Sea of Galilee

Jesus wants His followers to pray, and with the assurance that God answers prayer.

E. Prayer and the Revolution
It is a promise of power in doing the will of Jesus and living out the revolution.
The word 'kingdom' was to them much like the word 'revolution' is to us.
What is the main concern of your life? Is it centered on the revolution?
We must be in the revolution and we must be asking boldly.
Go into all the world... and I will be with you.

F. We Need More
The Holy Spirit is central to the revolution.
Matthew 10: 20, Acts 1: 8: And you will receive power.
Romans 8; Acts 1: 8; John 14: 25 - 27; John 16: 7 - 11
If you don't have enough, boldly ask. De we need more Holy Spirit work and power?
Do we really need more failure before we pound shamelessly and persistently on the door at midnight?
Luke 11: 9 - 10,13

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