August 23, 2009

Parents and Children

Service Type:

Ephesians - Parents and Children: A Primary Truth
Steve Lane

A. Review/Introduction
Submission and headship: revival is required.
Why did Jesus give Himself up for her (the church)? To make her holy (sanctify).
The goal for her is not always the easiest, safest, most comfortable path of least resistance.
The Christian home - big picture

B. Ephesians 6: 1 - 3 Obedience and Submission

Why is this so important? Why does he jump into this? Who is this written to?
Things go better for you when you obey. But, whose responsibility is it in this case?

Obedience in a child requires love and truth from parents.
Truth without love is brutality -- in all relationships.
But, love without discipline encourages self-rule!
Obedience is to come out of a relationship, not the law. A grace-based home.
A law-based home produces little Pharisees who think they are better than others.

What is the primary reason people do not follow Christ? Self-rule.
Always keeping in mind the primary purpose: submission to God and giving themselves fully to Him and His purposes -- not their own.

Discipline is a teaching tool.

Proverbs 23: 13 - 16
Proverbs 22: 15
Proverbs 13: 24
Hebrews 12: 5 - 6
Along with the discipline is communication

Proverbs 29: 15
Hebrews 12: 11
Not yelling and humiliating and crushing a child. Right discipline is respectful, but firm.

Obedience without challenge, excuse, or delay. All tactics of maintaining control.
Spanking years; rebuking years; Freedom reduction years...

John 14: 21,23
Philippians 2: 5 - 8
Other benefits of obedience... Jesus Himself sets the pace.

Ultimate obedience is moment-by-moment reliance on God.

C. Ephesians 6: 4 Training, Discipline and Instruction

Their loyalty to Christ and submission to Him.
Simple formula: something consistent (Deuteronomy 6)
Do not exasperate - maintaining a grace-based rather than rule-based home.

D. Ephesians 6: 5 - 8 Work as if You were Working for the Lord - Not Men

Living in a right way is key to working in a right way.
A by-product will be integrity, honesty, discipline at work.
(Bobby Knight definition of discipline)
Do what needs to be done. When it needs to be done. The best in can be done.

Is your focus on working for Christ and adequate provision? Or, is it ambition; prestige?
1 Peter 2: 11
Our citizenship is in Heaven, and we are to lay up treasure therein.

If we do our work as unto men, rather than God, satisfaction will never come.

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