October 5, 2008

Passion and Purpose for God

Service Type:

October 5, 2008

Passion and Purpose for God
Steve Lane

A. Introduction/Review

In Matthew 5 Jesus says we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.

Hebrews 4: 12 - 13
Lay bare your soul before Him...
He will demolish stubbornness, fear and resistance of all kinds.

B. "Earnestly I seek You" [passion for God]

We are talking today about loving God

"I call love to God the motion of the soul toward the enjoyment of God for His own sake, and the enjoyment of one's self and of one's neighbor for the sake of God."

Psalm 63: 1 - 8 On the run, out in the wilderness

Verse 1 Early (KJV) (shachar)
David is yearning for fellowship with God
"My soul thirsts for you."
Verse 2 He remembers past experiences with the Lord
Verse 3 Ephesians 3: 16 - 19
My response to knowing this love and experiencing this love.
There is always a response to beholding God.
Verse 4 No matter what, I will trust Him, and I will praise Him.
Verse 5 We all seek to be satisfied. (Why do you do what you do?)
Our testimony of joy comes from time in His presence.
Verse 6
Verse 7 He protects, but He expects us to draw close.
Verse 8 "My soul clings to You."

C. A Response to Beholding God [Purpose for God]

2 Corinthians 4: 6
Example: Out of love or duty?

2 Corinthians 5: 14
Compels (sunecho) constrain, control.
The love of Christ has a hold of me!

2 Corinthians 5: 15
The result

1 John 2: 5
John 14: 15
If you love Me, you will obey Me...
The love of Christ is the motive.

Psalm 16: 11
The joy of His presence and His sufficiency.

Jeremiah 29: 13
How is your search going?

Psalm 37: 4
"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give the desires of your heart."

Philippians 4: 4
"Rejoice in the Lord"

Psalm 42: 1 - 2
"As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for you."

Psalm 63
"My soul thirsts for you"

Seeking God and delighting ourselves in Him is the secret to loving Him.

D. Conclusion

Fan into a flame whatever desire you have for God.
Psalm 63: 1 - 8

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