May 29, 2011

Prayer and the Mission

Sharing the Gospel, and Your Life as Well
Conclusion: Prayer and the Mission
Steve Lane

A. Review/Introduction
Whose mission are your one?
The culturally relevant way of evangelism from the Middle East to middle America, and from the ancient world to the post modern world

Principles of Gospel sharing (1 Thessalonians 1: 3 - 8)
Teaching and sharing the core truths of the Bible - the Gospel
Sharing your life as well
Developing partners and co-laborers
Praying as if the others depended completely on this one
Responding to the promptings of the Holy Spirit
Solitude and intimacy with God

Phases of improvement or spiritual growth
Not interested
Somewhat interested
Leader [the pattern to imitate]

Life patterns of followers of Christ [gospel sharers and disciple makers]
Taking small initiatives
Praying and responding as God leads
Serving others in resurrection power
Partners and co-laborers

B. Review 2ND Pattern of Gospel Sharing and Disciple Making: Praying and Responding

John 16: 8 - 11
If the Holy Spirit is not working in a person's life, you will get nowhere

Titus 3: 5
Ezekiel 36: 25 - 27
He chooses to move in this way in response to the prayers

John 14: 12 - 14
John 15: 5,7,8,15-16
Prayer within the context of His mission

C. More on Power
Sink your roots deep into God? Prayer is an absolute necessity
What motivates us to pray? The very weight of it will drive you to your knees
Proverbs 11: 25
He who prays goes out on a long voyage for God, and is enriched himself, while enriching others, and is blessed himself while the world is blessed by his praying

~EM Bounds

Luke 18: 1 To persevere in prayer
Jesus Himself was under the rule of prayer
John 16: 24 - Ask and you will receive

Jesus praying:
Luke 5: 16
Hebrews 5: 7
Mark 1: 35
Mark 14: 39
Luke 6: 12, 9: 29
John 17: 1

On that last night recorded in John chapters 13 - 17:
He spoke to them about their spiritual and conscious connection with Himself... this was the avenue and agency through which the Divine life and power were to be secured, and continued in their ministry


John 15: 16 connected to 2 Thessalonians 1: 11
We are appointed to bear fruit, but we must ask

D. Conclusion

1 Thessalonians 1: 8

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