April 17, 2011

Prayer Within the Context of the Mission

Sharing the Gospel, and Your Life as Well
Prayer Within the Context of the Mission
Steve Lane

A. Review/Introduction

Whose mission are you on?
We must get this right to truly be a follower of Christ.
The very promises of God are meant withing the context of a mission

Principles of Gospel Sharing (1 Thessalonians 1: 3 - 8)
Teaching and sharing the core truths of the Bible - the Gospel
Sharing your like as well
Developing partners and co-laborers
Praying as if the others depended completely on this one
Responding to the promptings of the Holy Spirit
Solitude and intimacy with God

Phases of movement or spiritual growth:
Not interested
Somewhat interested
Leader (Disciple maker)

B. Life Patterns of Followers of Christ [gospel sharers and disciple makers]
Taking small initiatives

Praying and responding as God leads
Prayer is not in a vacuum. We must be growing in the principles of God's mission

If the Holy Spirit is not working in a person's life, you will get nowhere
What does the Holy Spirit do in a non-believer's life?
(plowing, sowing, watering, harvesting. Harvesting a crop takes time, and much investment)

John 16: 8 - 11
The Holy Spirit is the One who convicts
Titus 3: 4 - 7
Another reminder of Who does the work
Yet, we are commanded to go and make disciples

Ezekiel 36: 25 - 27
God changes hearts. He chooses to move in response to the prayers of His...
Answered prayer within the context of His mission
John 14: 12 - 14; John 15: 5,7,8; John 15: 15 - 16
We must "ask", and we must be His co-laborers, but prayer is not without struggle.

This partnership with the Holy Spirit will be a fruitful prayer indeed.
Be God's fellow worker (2 Corinthians 6: 1) and get in the yoke with Jesus (Matthew 11: 28)
We must remember that the goal of prayer is the ear of God. Unless that is gained, the prayer has utterly failed. The uttering of it may have kindled devotional feeling in our minds, the hearing of it may have comforted and strengthened the hearts of those with whom we have prayed, but if the prayer has not gained the heart of God, it has utterly failed in its essential purpose.

~Charles Spurgeon

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