December 12, 2010

Pursuing Perseverance

Service Type:

2 Peter - Pursuing Perseverance
Steve Lane

A. Review/Introduction

Knowledge [epignosis ] full knowledge, discernment, recognition, experiential heart knowledge
Warning: intensity is required. procrastination, distraction, putting off, inward focus
Intensity , even relentlessness, in making every effort until you get the result you are looking for
Discipline brings a freedom—a freedom to follow God and hear Isaiah 50: 4 - 5
Perseverance/patience/steadfastness/endurance - hupomone

B. Pursuing Your Own Desires can Inhibit Perseverance and Patience

1 Timothy 6: 11 We are to pursue perseverance, patience, endurance
How? Fight the good fight of faith.

He delights in us
2 Chronicles 16: 9
Psalm 147: 10 - 11
Ephesians 2: 7
Isaiah 62: 4 - 5
2 Thessalonians 1: 11 - 12
If you believe this, it will bring you endurance

In Pilgrim's Progress, Christians comes to the house of he interpreter
Two boys: Patience and Passion/Desire
Passion trying to get everything out of this life he can. (And, this naturally brings...)
Patience, on the other hand, has an eternal perspective and knows the very best will come

We are to be strangers and foreigners in the land wherein we sojourn... we pass through it because it lies in our way home, but we are ill at ease in it.

~C. Spurgen

C. A Barrier to Endurance/Perseverance/Patience

Pride is a key thing that keeps us from godly self-control in the long run, which is perseverance
We want what we want, rather than what God wants

D. Trials and Perseverance

James 1: 2 - 4
Romans 5: 3 - 4
Romans 12: 12
James 1: 12
2 Corinthians 6: 4
2 Timothy 3: 10
Hebrews 12: 7

Romans 2: 7
Luke 8: 15
Hebrews 12: 1
Colossians 1: 9

E. The Cross and Perseverance

Death to self: Matthew 10: 38 - 39; Romans 12: 1 - 2

Oh, can you stand to it, and give up all for him? Well, if you cannot, do not pretend to do it. Yet, except ye take up your cross, ye cannot be his disciples. Except you can give up...

~C. Spurgen

Knowledge, self-control/discipline, perseverance: on their own, are only of limited value. But...
When they aid in keeping in check the things that we tend to worship, they are of enormous...
To keep in check my thoughts, pursuits, ambitions and desires so I can have my true joy in Christ
Because while He is patient and merciful, He demands all. How much will it cost? It will cost everything.

Keep the flesh or even what we might call natural desire from stealing our passion and displacing our worship.
Philippians 1: 20 - 21
Philippians 1: 7 - 11,16

Let us persevere in not letting our desires and passions steal worship that is intended for God alone.

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