October 1, 2006

Rest and Surrender in the Promised Land

October 1, 2006

What New Believers Need to Know - Part 6
Maintaining Rest and Surrender in the Promised Land - Abiding

Steve Lane

A. Introduction/review

Review Surrender
But, if you try to jump into the Promised Land without surrender...
The Promised Land does not represent Heaven

B. Eternal Perspective

Hebrews 11
Abraham, a man of faith, was looking forward to a heavenly city

Hebrews 12: 1

We end up living selfishly, trying to have the perfect life we long for
This life will only be fulfilling when lived with the right perspective
Right now is the opportunity to have faith and prepare for that Place
A mere shadow of the true reward

Now is the time for faith, for labor in the power of the Spirit.

1 Corinthians 15: 57 - 58
Don't get ahead of yourself!

C. Heaven on Earth?

Your personal picture of heaven on this earth

Hebrews 11: 32 - 39

Is this difficult? We don't want to hear...

D. Staying in the Promised Land (Abiding in Christ)

"The living union with Him, the experience of His daily and hourly presence and keeping... to put yourself into contact with the living Jesus, to yield yourself distinctly and consciously to His blessed influence."
-Andrew Murray

John 15: 4 - 5
"Abide in Me and I in you. As a branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in Me...
"...Apart from Me you can do Nothing."

Ephesians 2: 10
The things He has prepared in advance for us to do

2 Corinthians 12: 10
"I learned to delight in my weakness..."
Romans 6: 11

Psalm 84
What is the heart of your life? Setting up some version of heaven, or...

E. Conclusion

There is a daily surrendering to Him, trusting Him and believing His Word, and walking with Him in dependence and fellowship. He will give you what you need.

Be patient, but don't give up on it.

Today is the time for faith and abiding.

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