April 24, 2011

Resurrection: Motive and Power of Gospel Sharing

Sharing the Gospel, and Your Life as Well
Resurrection: Motive and Power of Gospel Sharing
Steve Lane

A. Review
This series: God is on a mission. Whose mission are you on?
1 Thessalonians 1: 3 - 8 Principles of Gospel sharing
Phases of movement or spiritual growth
Life Patterns of followers of Christ [gospel sharers and disciple makers]
Taking small initiatives
Praying and responding as God leads
Prayer is not in a vacuum. We must be growing in the principles of God's mission

B. Introduction

What would it look like in my life?

C. Resurrection Power

Romans 6 Identified with the death and resurrection
Romans 6: 3
"to live a new life." What does it mean? It is that, but it is also Christ-likeness in purpose and cause

Galatians 2: 20
Jesus, the disciple maker living His life through us.
We are promised His presence, and we are promised His power

Ephesians 1: 16 - 20
Have you failed in all of this? The resurrection is for you
The fullness of the Christian life carries with it the desire and obedience of disciple making

Matthew 22: 37 - 40
Loving others is not mainly about what you say, or even what you feel. It is:
Die [to self, on the cross]
Resurrection power
Love the Lord your God
Love your neighbor

D. Next Patters of Gospel Sharing, Resurrection Life:
Serving Others in Resurrection Power
As a core part of our mission, we are called to serve others out of a motive of love.
Luke 10: 27 He repeats... but this time He tells a story to illustrate.

It is meeting in another's need, because we are motivated by a desire to express love and gratitude to God (Insider) for His unimaginable service to us. Christ will be seen in this.

Let others serve you (Mary and her perfume).
Serving needs to be mutual — to be healthy. This is where friendships begin to be formed: giving and receiving.


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