March 27, 2005

Resurrection Power

Service Type:

March 27, 2005

Living a Holy Life

Resurrection Power
Steve Lane

Introduction - Why the Resurrection?

Paid in full
Eternal Triune God
Romans 4: 25
Romans 8: 1
Head over the Church Romans 1: 4
Baptize believers in the Holy Spirit Ephesians 1: 20 - 22
Give gifted men to the church John 1: 33
Acts 1: 5
John 14: 16 - 19
Fulfill prophesy, Savior to Israel Ephesians 4: 7 - 13
Perfects our salvation Acts 5: 30 - 31
Acts 3: 19 - 25
Divine Power Romans 5: 31
Divine power made available to believers Acts 2: 42
Our High Priest and Intercessor Ephesians 1: 19
Romans 6: 4
We too will raise Romans 5: 9
Romans 8: 34
Ephesians 1: 20 - 22
Judgement John 5: 22, 28
John 6: 40
Acts 10: 42
Acts 17: 31
1 Corinthians 6: 14

Incomparably great power for us who believe

Ephesians 1: 18 - 20
John 14: 12, 23

"I am trying and this isn't really working for me"
Romans 8: 16
1 Thessalonians 5: 24
Philippians 2: 13

God's way saves us from the futility of self effort

C. Why then all these struggles, trials, failures and lack of passion?
Philippians 3: 7 - 11
Romans 5: 10
1 Peter 1: 3 - 9
Luke 14: 33
Luke 27

Forsaking self dependence for God dependence

The righteous will live by faith
Romans 1: 17

2 Corinthians 9: 8
Romans 6: 4 - 5
"It's Friday, but Sunday's coming!"

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