April 4, 2010

Resurrection Sunday

Service Type:

Resurrection Sunday - To Live You Must Die
Steve Lane

A. Introduction
If we held a legal court on the historical fact of the resurrection of Jesus...
And, of course, the evidence of the lives of those who were eyewitnesses.
The early church and those apostles continued to preach the cross and the resurrection.
Acts 1: 22, Acts 4: 33
But, the historical facts of the resurrection are not where we are going this morning.
Ephesians 1: 18 - 22 The resurrection; The victory over sin and death, the glory...
We have this power to live available to us.

But there is a problem: if you want resurrection power and a new life, you must die.
Matthew 10: 37 - 39
Almost every place resurrection life is mentioned in scripture... death, dying, the cross.

B. The First Dying to Live

Foster's email... "I remember my salvation - struggle for my soul."
Finally he went to the cross and died in Christ. Everyone resists this.
Do you have eternal life? What are you counting on?

Romans 6: 1 - 10 Understanding the principle a little better.

C. Living the Ongoing Principle of the Cross and the Resurrection, by Faith

Romans 6: 11
The emphasis here is faith as the resurrection.
Recon it to be true. Count on it to be true: I am dead to sin. I am alive to God in Christ.
Remember to apply faith.

Galatians 2: 20

D. The Struggle of Dying to Live

Luke 9: 23 - 24
Philippians 3: 10
Again, the principle of death and resurrection life.
The natural refusal to take the next step, to recognize our own stubbornness.
To continue — to really have resurrection power — the principle of dying to live.
The cross is a scary thing, but it is the path we must travel to resurrection life.

Read the rest of this description with me, thinking of this principle and making personal application.
Philippians 3: 7 - 11

To abide in His Love.
John 15: 11

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