November 12, 2006

Share Your Faith

November 12, 2006

What New Believers Need to Know - Part 10
Share Your Faith

Steve Lane

A. Introduction/Review

Acts 2: 42 - 47 Devoted προσκαρτερεω
Word, fellowship, Communion/Lord's Supper, prayer, worship, evangelism

Genesis 12 - I will bless you and make you a blessing
God's way of doing things
Transition from inward-focused, to outward. Set apart for God's purpose

What is God's purpose for man on this earth?
He is making His appeal through us to the world

2 Corinthians 5: 17 - 21
Acts 1: 8 - You will be my witnesses
Matthew 28: 18 - 20

As the core of who you are is this...
2 Corinthians 5 - a messenger of reconciliation
Romans 10: 14 - 15
"Evangelism is for Introverts"

B. The Message and the Messenger

2 Corinthians 3: 9 - True righteousness
2 Corinthians 5: 21 - Your substitute

This is good news, but...
God must remove the veil
The place of humility and prayer is sharing your faith
Story from Leroy Eims, the simplicity of sharing your faith

Courage ( Jeremiah 1: 6 - 7 )
Speak ( John 1: 41 - 42 ) Moses ( Exodus 4: 11 - 12 )
Faith in and reliance on God ( 2 Corinthians 3: 4 ) ( 2 Corinthians 4: 13 )
I believe, therefore I speak

"...deafened by the raucous demands of our personal desires so that we cannot hear His call... deadened by persistently choosing for self interest... it will ultimately be love for God which will enable us to lay down our lives in obedience to the Father for the redemption of a lost world."
-Robert McQuilkin

Carlton, what caused you to turn the corner? (Romans 8: 5)

John 15: 12
1 Timothy 1: 14

Motive comes from God and our life must be based on His purposes

Haggai 1: 2 - 11
Hebrews 12: 1

Vision and burden
John 4: 35
Psalm 126: 6

Philippians 1: 27

C. What is He asking of me?

John 3: 16 - 18

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