October 12, 2014

STEP ONE – Obeying God

Service Type:

The Six-Step Program - STEP ONE - Obeying God
Pat Gatlin

Last week we discussed the step steps to living a life fully surrendered to God:

First - He obeyed the Holy Spirit Psalm 9:10
Second - He trusted the Father for everything Phil 4:19
Third - He fasted - denying his flesh Is 58:6-9
Fourth - He prayed Luke 22:46
Fifth - He recognized the enemy 2Cor 11:14-15, 1John 4:1-3, Rom 12:1-2
Sixth - Jesus knew the Word completely

The first being, OBEDIENCE

1 Corinthians 11:23

He starts out this section by saying, “Look , what I received from the Lord, I am passing on to you!”
What is it that I am receiving from the Lord?
What am I doing with it?
What are we doing with the Word of God?

There are four things revealed in our text today:

* The first reason why we should be taking communion is: TO REMEMBER; Jesus was referring to Exodus 12.

* The second reason was TO REJOICE. We declare, make known publicly, we announce the death of Jesus.

* The third reason we celebrate communion is to REPENT. When we share in Communion, we are given the opportunity to examine our lives before God and our brothers and sisters in Christ.

* The final reason we should partake of Communion is: TO RECONCILE. As we come to the Lord in this memorial, we are given the opportunity to confess our sinfulness and need of reconciliation.

In Communion, we are given the opportunity not only to repent, but also to be reconciled to God through the blood of Jesus.

Colossians 1:22
2 Corinthians 5:18-21

Too many times we look at Communion as simply a time between God and us. Forgetting it’s a time to reconcile with others.

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