August 22, 2010

Submit Yourselves for the Lord’s Sake

Service Type:

1 Peter - Submit Yourselves for the Lord's Sake
Steve Lane

A. Review
Responding to God's love - believing and responding
Barriers to experiencing and overflowing the love of God - more today
Longing for soul food (Psalm 63: 3 - 9) - why does praise satisfy the hunger of David's soul?
1 and 2 Peter: a traveler's and sojourner's handbook
Teaching on how we are to handle this mission, this temporary assignment
Strategic planning: short-term plans reveal... your long term vision and mission
2 Thessalonians 1: 11 - 12

B. Submit Yourself for the Lord's Sake (and for the sake of the journey and mission)

A necessary attribute of those on the journey is submission and humility, and we take our example...
1 Peter 1: 13, 18, 1 Peter 3: 1 (An attitude for the journey)
The heart of these examples of submission is found in 1 Peter 2: 21
Galatians 2: 20

We have seen throughout history a misapplication of these verses
We are to have a disposition to submit—an attitude of submission and wisdom
1 Peter 2: 21 - 25 For this purpose: representing Christ, sojourning, alien, salvation...
Acts 5: 40 - 42

Suffering is a tool used by God to refine us and help us along to our destination of sanctification.
We can be clear on the motive and righteous desires
The humility and selflessness of Jesus that produced the action (Philippians 2: 2 - 8)
If you are not dealing with pride and self-focus along the journey, you will never even get this far.
What have your failures done for you?

C. Submit to the Government Authorities

Now armed with an understanding... we can better receive and understand what Peter is calling us toward.
He has already reminded them that their hope is not in this world, or a government of this world.
1 Peter 2: 13 - 15 Romans 13: 1 - 5 Titus 3: 1 - 2

Exception to obedience to the government?
Acts 5: 28 - 29 Psalm 20: 7

This is not to say we should not prepare if we see difficult times coming.

Another reminder of our purpose: 1 Peter 2: 15 - 17

D. Slaves/Servants/Employees Submit Yourselves to Your Master with all Respect

1 Peter 2: 18 - 20
Our driving force is not to be our rights or happiness, but the purposes of God. We are not to have a complaining spirit or bitterness about our employer, even if they are unfair.
We are to use it as an opportunity to submit.
A lack of submission to God, and a lack of yielding to the Spirit, will always show up in our lives.
Proper submission to human authority is a real test of the heart.
Have you placed your hope in the things of this world, rather than...?

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