March 25, 2007

Teaching Overview: They were devoted to…

Service Type:

March 25, 2007

Turkey April / May 2007
Teaching Overview: They were devoted to...

Steve Lane

SJCC Introduction

Can we go to Turkey and teach these things without being sure we are moving ahead of them?
Acts 2: 42

Also, the tools of ministry - Word, Prayer, Relationship/Presenting Christ

The next step in understanding bondservant - doulos of Christ - clearing the Temple

Doulos (Greek) - one whose will is swallowed up in the will of another; one who serves another to the disregard of his own interest

Both the purposes of Christ, and methods to fulfill that purpose

A. Introduction

The final teachings of Jesus were fresh on the minds of the early believers
Matthew 28: 18 - 20
2 Corinthians 5: 20
Christ's ambassadors, representatives

Help the church, wherever we can, to become devoted to these things, so the body of Christ can fulfill the call of Christ to go and make disciples

B. They Devoted Themselves To...

Acts 2: 42 - 47
Proskartereo (Greek) - Devoted; to be earnest towards; to persevere; to be constantly diligent; to adhere closely to, give self continually to; continue in and wait on continually

We need to pay attention to these things! Have a plan for doing these things

1) The Word - "Acquaint thyself with God"
Meet with God over the Word before...

Luke 24: 27
Psalm 119: 11 - 16
All preaching, teaching, planning, worshiping and sharing together must flow out of the word

2) Fellowship/koinonia - participation, communication, communion, sharing in common,
1 John 1: 3 - 4
Hebrews 3: 12 - 14
Romans 15: 5 - 7

Philippians 1: 27
...stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel

1 Thessalonians
"We were delighted to share not only the gospel of God, but our lives as well."

John 1: 39
John 3: 22
Fellowship is related to one of the tools of ministry
The initiative to spend time, both to build partnerships and to win the lost

The greatest impact that Jesus made on a human ministry level combined these three

Taking on the cause of Christ and, at the same time, the methods of taking on the cause

Are you/we devoted to the Word and to fellowship?

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