June 8, 2014

The Astounding Humility of Jesus

Service Type:

Philippians-Part 3-The Astounding Humility of Jesus
Steve Lane


Themes: joy, unity, humility as displayed by Jesus, growing in the character of Christ, true laborers, knowing Him and having passion for Him, peaceful trust in God.

True joy of true partnership in the gospel. The 3 legged race…
God is relational
The road to unity, humility, desire for God is built on love.
We are poor judges of the usefulness of a situation. Much fruit following deep trial.

Paul exhorted the Philippians to fulfill the call in unity and fearlessness.
He is spurring them on to go on and make disciples no matter what happens to him.

An appeal for unity on the basis of blessings in Christ...
Union, love, fellowship with the Spirit, tenderness and compassion, like-minded, same love one in spirit and purpose, have humility - unity.

Paul is going to use the example of:

Christ’s Example
1. His position as God before His birth
Philippians 2:6
In His very essence He is equal to the Father.
(John 5:18, 10:33, 38, 14:9, 20:28, Heb 1:1-3)
He was willing to give up His position for a season.
Heb 1:3, Col 1:15-20, John 1:1-5, 8:58

2. His birth
Phil 2:7 Made Himself nothing ‘kenosis’
Emptied Himself but did not cease being God.
He gave up His privileges as God and existed as a man (John 1:14)
His glory or His awesome shining total of His Godly attributes (John 17:5)
He took a place of complete dependence on the Father. (John 5:19, 30, 6:38)

Will we do what this passage says… not just serving but being a servant.

3. His death on a cross
Philippians 2:8
Not only did He leave the glory and splendor of Heaven to be a lowly human servant…
He died a degrading agonizing death used only for the vilest offenders of the human race.

He carried the darkest of human sin and faced separation from the Father.

Christ’s exaltation by God
Phil 2:9-11 A pattern...we do not have to fear humility...Victory follows humiliation.
Nobody took advantage of Jesus. The end result - Jesus was grandly exalted and God…

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