April 26, 2015

The Beatitudes

Service Type:

The Beatitudes
Pat Gatlin

8 Steps To Real Joy Mat 5:1-10

There is a difference between joy and happiness. Happiness is conditional, it is fleeting.
Happiness fluctuates based on circumstances.

Joy is deep rooted, carries us through hard times. We have great joy knowing God is in control. We will not find true joy in anything the world has to offer.

Jesus spoke the beatitudes in this order for a reason.

There are two sections:
Matters that are Internal
Matters that are External

verse 3 - Poor in spirit
verse 4 - Those who mourn 1 John 1:9-10
verse 5 - Meek Ps 37:11
verse 6 - Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness

verse 7 - Merciful Mat 18:35, Mat 6:14
verse 8 - Pure in heart
verse 9 - Peacemakers
verse 10 - Persecuted because of righteousness

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