May 20, 2012

The Call, The Faithful and the Immeasurable Result

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The Call, The Faithful and the Immeasurable Result
David Wagner

A. Peter and Cornelius - are you seeking God? Matt 6.21 (Luke 12.13-21)
Will you respond to what God calls you to, even if you don’t know all the details? 1 Pet 4.11

B. Peter Accepts the Call and Begins to Believe It
Acts 10.34-35, 43 Peter’s struggle, “just doing my job…”
Acts 10.44-48 Peter chooses to accept and believe…will you?

C. Peter’s Faith Gives Him Authority and Power… and God’s Blessing
Acts 11.1-3 criticism from the brothers!
Acts 11.4, 12 Peter’s response and even defense of the call (Side note on community…)
Watch the response of one man choosing to believe God Acts 11.16-18

D. Grace to the Unbelieving Heart
Acts 11.19-22 some unbelief…but some got it…Barnabas
Barnabas got the benefit Acts 11.23-26 and did his job - you can be a Barnabas!

E. Faith and Faithfulness in the Mundane
Learn from Barnabas: Acts 11.27-30 …will you commit to the same?

F. Miracles, Power and the Mission Trip (Acts 12, 13:1-3)
Rescue mission of love… Luke 15, “prodigal son” – point is Father’s love
Forgiven? Luke 7.47 Freely give! Matt 10:9 (context is on mission)
Luke 17.10 “we are unworthy servants, we have only done our duty”
“I’m changed now, no more Saul, now I’m Paul!” (TobyMac)
there is a cost… Ps 126.5-6 do I want to come back home with joy?
What’s your food? John 4.32-38 The seed is also you John 12:24 unless the seed dies…
Why do you and I not have the Thessalonian church in our lives?
Belief…Love…Give, Sow, Invest 1 Thess 2:8
Will you commit to the cause!? (Review 5/2/2010, starts 1/31/2010)

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