November 6, 2011

The Gaze of the Soul

Service Type:

Training of the Twelve - The Gaze of the Soul
Steve Lane

A. Review/Introduction
Community—they had to get this. And they did [Acts]
"Everything we are should be about Christ" A core purpose change
The cross and the cost of discipleship. This would mean a personal application of the cross

B. Back to the Cross
Matthew 20: 17 - 28; Mark 10: 32 - 45; Luke 18: 31 - 34

The 3RD time Jesus announced His coming death
They were dreaming of thrones...

C. Self-focus Still Reigns
Matt 20: 20 - 21
They spiritualized their fleshly desires
Are we shocked at this? (Hebrews 4: 14 - 16)
Jesus was not. He patiently dealt with it (Matthew 20: 22)
"You don't know what you ask"
The way of advancing the kingdom—the cross

It was a bold and presumptuous request, and insensitive to their friends
He spoke to them as a father to his children.
Look to Jesus (Philippians 2: 1 - 5; Galatians 2: 20)
Jesus was the ultimate example in humility
Philippians 2: 5 - 11 He had given them the way to advance the kingdom, and He gave Himself as an example, in verse 29, to follow and look toward

D. "The Gaze of the Soul (Tozer)
They were followers of Jesus, but they had not yet really learned to look to Jesus in the way that Jesus looked to the father. It would take the cross of Jesus, and their daily cross.
John 5: 19
He gave an example earlier of looking to the snake on the pole (John 3: 13 - 15
Looking and believing is one in the same as in both Numbers 21 and John

Psalm 123: 1 - 2 Captures the essence of looking to God, and not self o the world
Hebrews 12: 2 To look upon Jesus, for Him to be the "gaze of our soul" is faith in action
Psalm 34: 5
2 Corinthians 3: 16 - 18 Reflect the glory of God as you humbly look to Him in childlike dependence

E. Where is the Gaze of Your Soul?
As Jesus looked on the Father, we too are to look on the Triune God
It's giving our heart's attention to Jesus.
Do you feel weak against sin?
Look to Him!

Are you busy considering yourself in everything?
Look to Him in simplicity

Are you dissatisfied?
Look to Him.

What happened to unity and community? This is the way to unity, as many pianos tuned to the same tuning fork, we will be in harmony if the gaze of our souls is on Jesus

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