March 8, 2009

The Gospel – It Must Continue to Change Us

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The Gospel - It Must Continue to Change Us
Steve Lane

A. Review/Intro
He comforted them, promised them peace. This was in the context of a mission.
We are commanded to show hospitality. philoxenia: love of strangers.
A total demand on their lives by a Sovereign Master. The fear of the cost of discipleship.
Shamelessly bold and persistent prayer.
Do you see yourself as a desperately needy person? "I have nothing..." Luke 11: 6
Two kinds of prayer meetings: Front line prayer meetings, or maintenance prayer meetings?

B. Authority

Why do we think it optional to do what God's Word clearly tells us to do?
Matthew 28: 18 "All authority in Heaven and on Earth has been given to Me..."

Ephesians 4: 11 - 12
Are you moving forward with what we are directly called to?

Philippians 1: 27
Philippians 2: 16
We either respond to the Word, or we find ourselves in disobedience.

Obedience will not work, unless the gospel is doing something radical in you.

C. Zeal will Overcome Fear

Zeal for the gospel will overcome fear, and joy brings zeal.
Look for the zeal in the gospel amidst the joy about the gospel all through Philippians.
A sample:
Philippians 1: 2,7
Philippians 1: 12 - 14
Philippians 1: 28
Philippians 3: 7 - 11
Philippians 3: 20
Philippians 4: 4

Remember the neighbor from Luke 11: "I have nothing..."

D. The Gospel Must Change Us (continue to change us)

Never get too mature for the gospel. "I am a hopeless sinner, saved by God's grace."

Romans 12: 1 - 2
"A self-centered person can only devote a part of himself to God, and does not put the whole man in the sacrificial fire."

The shear grace of the gospel has burned away our self-centeredness and our fears...

Zeal results from a deep consciousness of our sin and fresh awareness of God's grace.

E. Conclusion

We can start by being completely honest before God about our self-centeredness.
Meditate on the message of the cross and the gospel of Grace.
2 Corinthians 5: 11 - 21
2 Corinthians 6: 1 - 2
Ephesians 2: 1 - 10
Romans 1 - 5

Real prayer with others
Move forward courageously in ministry, even when you don't feel like it

"They came to the gospel not as masters of it, but broken by its teaching about man's sin and God's grace. It made them weak-strong men."

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